Ross Valory Countersues Journey Bandmates Neal Schon, Jonathan Cain

Happier times, a happier Journey in 1981
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Happier times in 1981. Photo by Chris Walter/WireImage

Ross Valory is back -- with a Cross-Complaint countersuit against former Journey bandmates Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain.

According to Business Wire, the Cross-Complaint refutes Schon and Cain's allegations of accusing Valory and drummer Steve Smith of attempting an "ill-conceived corporate coup d'état" and seeks monetary damages against Schon and Cain. 

“Ross is shocked and devastated by the conduct of his lifelong bandmates (Schon and Cain)" shared Valory's attorney Andrew Spielberger to Business Wire, "and is disappointed that there was never any attempt to sit down and discuss what is most likely a misunderstanding and something that easily could have been worked out." 

In March, lead guitarist Schon and keyboardist Cain filed a lawsuit in the Superior Court of Contra Costa County, California alleging that Valory and Smith were trying to take control of Nightmare Productions Inc., the corporate entity with rights to the band's trademark and name. Their lawsuit stated, "in 1998, Schon, Cain and [former singer Steve] Perry entered into a written agreement providing Schon and Cain the sole, exclusive, irrevocable right to control the Journey Mark, including the Journey name."

Valory's longtime history with the band dates back to when Journey first formed in 1973. Due to his extensive ties to the band and its performance history, his Cross-Complaint states, "Ross Valory has (with firm sadness) set forth multiple viable causes of action in his Cross Complaint...for monetary damages including the financial loss of revenue from not performing with the band in the future."

“Ross feels horrible about this whole unnecessary ordeal," added Spielberger. "But he is a fighter and he has hired able counsel to defend and fight for his rights. I expect he will be vindicated and justice will prevail."

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