American Girl Unveils Go-Go's Approved '80s Doll, "Courtney"

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(American Girl)

American Girl is going Totally '80s! Yes, really: the doll-maker has revealed "Courtney Moore," a new '80s-themed doll. She's a "video game lover who spends her time playing Pac-Man inside the local shopping mall, looks up to the astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger(!) and lives with her blended family," according to TODAY.

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Among the doll's nostalgic accessories: Lip Smackers lip gloss, Care Bear pajamas and a mini Caboodle. Being an election year, Courtney's mom is running for mayor of her California town.

"We got to see a lot of girls at our concerts during the '80s, and Courtney actually looks a lot like our audience members," said Go-Go's bassist, Kathy Valentine, over Zoom on the TODAY show. "I think what American Girl wants to do with the Courtney doll is bring attention to what the era was like for women. The feminist movement had come about in the '60s and '70s, and in the '80s you started seeing women in politics more. You saw them going into tech and getting the results of the hard work of the feminist pioneers."


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